Printed Paper Markers
We explore in tandem two seemingly disparate affordances that paper offers for tangible interactions—paper as a printing medium for fiducial markers; and paper as a medium for creating pliable 3D objects. From this investigation, we uncovered a variety of tangible interactions that can be detected through different paper structures that construct and deconstruct fiducial markers. These paper structures are easy and economical to fabricate. Furthermore, many interactions can be sensed via a single camera.
︎︎︎DIS 2020 ︎︎︎PDF
DIS 2020 Honorable Mention
Markers are deconstructed and constructed via physical manipulation. In this case, pushing the button completes the marker—and we can use marker detection to determine when the button is pressed.
Stretching printed markers →
Markers lose detection when structure is stretched. Marker in the center loses detection faster than markers at the ends.
Markers lose detection when structure is stretched. Marker in the center loses detection faster than markers at the ends.
Markers at the edge of a paper spring →
Markers are detected with spring is fully collapsed.
Markers are detected with spring is fully collapsed.
Wetting paper markers →
Markers lose detection when contrast is lowered.
Markers lose detection when contrast is lowered.